Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Swim T1 Bike T2 Run
1 Federico Scarabino 1996 URU 00:45:00
2 Bruno Festorazzi 1997 URU 00:43:35
3 Santiago Aldao Lopez 1987 URU 00:42:43
4 Santiago Sierra 2001 URU 00:35:43
5 Gabriel Lingeri 1987 URU 00:00:00
6 Jorge Ibañez 1979 URU 00:26:17
7 Williams Fernandez 1989 URU 00:25:36
8 Gastón Martínez 1998 URU 00:25:27
9 Caio Andrés Acosta Vassella URU 00:24:54
10 Enrico Trentini 1990 URU 00:23:54
Program Details
Program Notes

Technical Delegate: Manuel García/URU. Head Referee: Raquel Oliver/URU
The National Championships were contested over a circuit of 8 events, with the top 5 results of each athlete counting for their final ranking
Incomplete results