by World Triathlon Admin on 11 Aug, 2004 12:00

Two weeks today the womens Olympic Triathlon will take place. If the weather today in Vouliagmeni is any indication of what is in store for us, things could be perfect for the event. The azure blue sea was so calm that it appeared almost glass-like. There was no current, and the jelly-fish season is well past. The large yellow banana buoy which marks the first turn of the 1 lap, 1500m swim was positioned on the course exactly 380 metres from the start platform. The only thing missing was the 3000+ spectators that will fill the stadium seats.

This afternoon four tons of concrete blocks were slowly towed across Vouliagmeni Bay from the Marina and delicately positioned to secure the start platform and media platform. The start platform design has been approved and will be in position on the 16th of August. The allocation of each spot at the start for the athletes will be .9m. The water temperature continues to hover around 27oC, so there is zero possibility of wetsuit being used on the day.

The athlete training centre at the Nautical Club of Vouliagmeni received the final inspection today. It will be officially opened tomorrow, and athletes have already booked swim times for tomorrow. Vaggelis Manos, the Training Centre Supervisor says that for him the Olympic Games begin tomorrow. There is a wonderful renovated cafeteria which is fully air conditioned and full of cold refreshment. Team managers are reminded to contact Sport Information to book swim times as lanes are quickly filling up.

A lot of work was done cleaning the beach today, both in the water and out. Huge machines filtered any rocks for the area, and a workforce of hundreds slowly paced up and down searching for anything missed by the monster trucks.

Most of the Venue Staff went to the rehearsal for the Opening Ceremonies last night, which left everyone most excited and in awe of the beginning of the Games. Although all are sworn to secrecy, suffice to say that there was an eerie silence about the place for most of the evening as the sights and sounds captured the hearts and souls coming home is definitely what these Olympic Games are all about.

More tomorrow..

Article tags athens olympics
Related Event: Athens 2004 Olympic Games
25 - 26 Aug, 2004 • event pageall results
Results: Elite Men
1. Hamish Carter NZL 01:51:06
2. Bevan Docherty NZL 01:51:14
3. Sven Riederer SUI 01:51:32
4. Greg Bennett AUS 01:51:41
5. Frederic Belaubre FRA 01:52:00
Results: Elite Women
1. Kate Allen AUT 02:04:43
2. Loretta Harrop AUS 02:04:50
3. Susan Williams USA 02:05:08
4. Kathleen Smet BEL 02:05:35
5. Nadia Cortassa ITA 02:05:45
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